We were asked by Aquila Engineering, a Texas based offshore drilling company to edit a promotional video to promote their engineering university.
We take on the responsibility of simplifying brands, to work out what it is they should and shouldn't show on screen

We prioritize simplifying through different video editing techniques such as mixed media, digital video editing and 2D and 3D animations

Aquila Engineering leaned on us to make those important decisions of what to show and what to cut. That's really important because once you know what to prioritise, it brings a sense of clarity and means our video editors can laser focus on promoting those aspects on screen with inventiveness and creativity.
Our video editing team in London gets inspired by your product brochures and branding and we take visual elements from that and promote those on screen, that's the brands voice. We are inspired by geometric shapes, logos, your textures, patterns all of those influences shape the video and provide a strong foundation to promote products and services to customers in a way that feels relevant to your audience.
We simply love technology, automotive, space exploration, weather and systems - We are a tech and engineering video editing team in London, UK, and it's part of our DNA to advocate for technology and to help people understand how it solves problems. We provide a different edge in simplifying and specialising in various video editing techniques that add an element of surprise to your final video.

We like to think that we're unique in the way that we don't focus on effects and the technical stuff first.
We prioritise refining the message (simplifying) and then we get to the fun part of adding competitive ways to promote your products and services through various video editing techniques such as motion design, 2D and 3D animations, mixed media and collage video editing.
All of these fun and exciting disciplines then become a joy to work with because the message is simple, loud and clear and understood by everyone.